Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Cane At School Poll . Did You Ever Get The Cane At School ?

Poll . Did you ever get the cane at school ? - the cane at school

I too close for


tru karma said...

No, but we have a metal coat hanger and I did. stabbed and left large welts on my leg.oh sorry, do not you kiss me, I'm married.

Debbie's angel said...

I did well enough in school but has problems that new teachers and chewing gum in class was, however, do not get punched in the eye with the boy pushed me to leave the red door of our German class, so that if we pushed him and said he was on leave, turned around and punched me in the eye, the rest of the guys have helped me in my class and threatened to beat him in the face and wept like a child and told him all they like to be a tyrant, but can not when the situation reversed:)

My Questions and Answers said...

No, I do not use sugar cane.
Once the knee during a teacher - I have the front / front of the case and I was back with a violin / Musical Instruments, or violin.

'¡l∪ν®☻⊂... said...

Sugar cane is used in ancient times (trying not to feel too old or are you trying to be rude in any case:]) I do not know if it's still using SCH ...?
in 17 ... So, no ... Stock is not in our school:]

o batido said...

I did once before for not my fault, I was 8 years old and it hurts like hell (which is a metal type of thing) I hope you burn in hell was for

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