Lift & carry? - lift carry blogspot
Hey girl, if a girl can lead to kids like me. My weight is 180 pounds, and I wonder whether any woman who could go take (eg on foot or on the shoulder to bear Fireman's)? Hope I'll be a serious response
Lift & carry? - lift carry blogspot
Hey girl, if a girl can lead to kids like me. My weight is 180 pounds, and I wonder whether any woman who could go take (eg on foot or on the shoulder to bear Fireman's)? Hope I'll be a serious response
I could not do that, but my best friend Holly could do it without an eyelid.
I could not do that, but my best friend Holly could do it without an eyelid.
This is no accident, and why a woman wants to take you anyway??
Find a fire station in his hometown service with a woman and pretended to faint while walking on the sidewalk. What is should satisfy your strange fetish for some time.
in 97 and 5 feet three inches. I do not see that in the near future. Why?
Hopefully! Yes, it is shameful to my house, my friend, to open jars for me sometimes (have to go to the gym often XD) ... I have never tried to get it before, but now I'm curious to see him next time I see that I Oo Although you try to lift and carry one of my friends, is 130 (but) not long ... lol
I could try! : D
I can do.
I weigh 110 ... u'd crush
im soooo strong and can lead to poor damned 179.9
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